Bindi Vora

I Dreamt of Lost Vocabularies (2024)

The sculptural work I Dreamt of Lost Vocabularies (2024) considers the megaphone as a conduit to convey messages, narratives
and stories of my ancestors that are no longer with us, how can we ensure their experiences are not forgotten? The outershell of the megaphone is wrapped in an image of the Banyan tree, as a tongue of plaited silk spills from the iridescent vessel depicting the metaphor of language – capable of conveying a spectrum of emotions. From pain to joy – and bring to light a narrative of resilience, community and kinship.

I Dreamt of Lost Vocabularies
Sculpture (Ultra violet photograph, silk, rope, coloured chain, metal and holographic lacquer); 81 x 60 x 32.5 cm

This sculpture was developed as part of the artist residency led by the 20/20 Project at the National Museums Northern Ireland in partnership with the University of the Arts London Decolonising Arts Institute.